Graph Learning from Gaussian and Stationary Graph Signals
Location: Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process. Rhodes, Greece. Speaker: Antonio García Marqués.
A probabilistic perspective for optimizing the parameters of quantum heuristics using evolutionary algorithms
Location: V.P. Soloviev, C. Bielza, P. Larrañaga. Authors: Quantum Information in Spain ICE-8. Galicia, Spain. More Info: ICE-8
Constraint-based and hybrid structure learning of multidimensional continuous-time Bayesian network classifiers
Authors: C. Villa-Blanco, A. Bregoli, C. Bielza, P. Larrañaga, F. Stella. Full article: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Pedro Larrañaga is admitted as Member of the JAKIUNDE
Dr. Pedro Larrañaga in the recent Ceremony of Admission as Member of the JAKIUNDE / ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, ARTS AND LETTERS of the Basque Country in Spain.
Gaussian processes for missing value imputation
Authors: B. Jafrasteh, D. Hernández-Lobato, S. Pedro Lubián-López, I. Benavente-Fernández. Full article: Knowl. Based Syst
dtwParallel: A Python Package to Efficiently Compute Dynamic Time Warping
Authors: O. Escudero-Arnanz, A.G. Marques, C. Soguero-Ruiz, I. Mora-Jimenez, G. Robles. Full article: Software X
Graph Signal Processing Workshop 2023
Co-organized by 4 ELLIS members and supported by the ELLIS units of Lausanne and Madrid. 6th Edition of the Graph Signal Processing Workshop will be held June 12-14 in Oxford, UK as an in-person event.
¡¡Felicidades al Doctor Carlos Estaban Puerto Santana!!
No todos los días se leen tesis donde el doctorando consigue tantas publicaciones de alto nivel: IEEE PAMI, IEEE Internet of Things, IEEETransactions on Neurral Networks and Learning Systems.
Multidimensional variability in ecological assessments predicts two clusters of suicidal patients
Authors: Bonilla-Escribano, P., Ramírez, D., Baca-García, E., Courtet, P., Artés-Rodríguez, A., & López-Castromán, J. Full article: Scientific reports
16th Machine Learning and Advanced Statistics Summer School (formerly ASDM) 2023
A worldwide top 10 Maths & Stats summer school according to INOMICS (in 2015-2017), open to any student or professional.