News & Events

Graph Signal Processing = DSP + Boundary Condition

The distingued speaker José M. F. Moura will cover topics such as spectral graph theory, graph filtering, and graph neural networks, as well as applications in computer vision, social networks, and neuroscience.

Charla de Dan Casas Guix

Todos los expertos, estudiantes e interesados en #MachineLearning, #ComputerVision y #ComputerGraphics, el próximo miércoles, 11 de enero, hablamos de los avances recientes para la #Digitalización de ropa #Virtual 👖 basados en #AprendizajeAutomático, de la mano de Dan Casas.

SNUG: Self-Supervised Neural Dynamic Garments

Hyped to share our CVPR 2022 (Oral) paper “SNUG: Self-Supervised Neural Dynamic Garments”. The 3D garment deformations in this clip are learned with a neural network *without* using any dataset of 3D meshes or images🤯The trick? Physics!